Watch This To Understand Why So Many People Are Quitting Their Jobs

Watch This To Understand Why So Many People Are Quitting Their Jobs

Call it the Great Resignation, the Great Reassessment, or any other name, it's hard to pinpoint the underlying reasons as to why so many employees are quitting their jobs at the moment. Companies left and right are struggling to hire enough workers to stay afloat, yet where are all the people that use to fill these jobs?

What are your thoughts on why employees are quitting their jobs? Let us know in the comments below!

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Daggerfinn is a boutique employer branding and growth strategies consultancy. We live at the intersection of marketing and HR, providing CMOs and CHROs with the insights and tools to unlock their organization’s potential as great places to work.

Kane Carpenter is the Practice Lead, Employer Branding & Growth Strategies at Daggerfinn (

employees quitting jobsgreat resignationgreat reassessment

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