Train Your Mind||ఆలోచనారాహితస్థితి లో ధ్యానం ||Thoughtless state mind during Meditation||By Grand Master Prabodh Achyutha||Session starts from 7th Jan 2022 to 11th Jan 2022||Telugu,Hindi,English,Kannada||
To connect to guru we must me in oneness Gudakesha in Telugu meditating with fertilizer at night NIGHT TIME AWARENESS MEDITATION want to completely turn your bedtime into meditation time?
Has your dream of conquering sleep remained like a dream?
Participate in "Gudakesha Night Meditation with fertilizer"program organized by Grand Master Prabodh Achyutha
For More details about Gudakesha, Grand Master Prabodh Achyutha Sir are given below,👇
Join in Telegram:- gmpwisdom (Grand Master Prabodh Wisdom) Channel
Next Gudakesha Telugu: Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bye9hOefbQBEmBVYK3ofXX
If you wanna do live guided meditation by grand master every day at 08.30 pm: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEaXwuazP5Zl2wrk4qMstAg