Arctic Base. Room #84
This is a part of a story. All the videos and characters are interconnected.
Previous episode: https://youtu.be/aIH-LbkPUvU
All characters are fictional and are designed for immersion into the Atmosphere.
No references to specific nations or historical events are made.
Created by Anastasia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anastasia_atmos/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AtmosphereA
Many thanks to my Patrons!
Discord: https://discord.gg/E7JCpvusXD
Fansite: https://theatmosphereguide.wixsite.com/fansite
0:00 What is the procedure about
1:51 Overall Hands Scanning
16:50 Warm up and Impact
55:06 Massage
Thank you for subtitles. I love you
Japanese by maikos1
French by Gauthier Laventure
Korean by Lina
Thai by Rin P
Romanian by soarecii nu mint
Polish by JMG