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In the early days of YouTube, the platform was pretty much viral cat videos. Polished, well-produced content was virtually nonexistent. Funny enough, some of the first technically well-made YouTube content to break through the sea of mediocrity were FAKE how-to videos created by production duo "Fatal Farm". Their series "Infinite Solutions" consisted of misleading how-to guides that appeared legit on the surface but would peddle out bad information and instructions causing viewers to waste time if they attempted to follow along. Due to how well the joke was disguised, the infinite solutions channel was treated as an unironic instructional channel in the youtube algorithm resulting in millions of people being trolled by their videos. One of infinite solutions most notorious guides was hot to install Google TV Beta, a service that didnt exists. The buzz created by this fake Google TV video got so insane, that google themselves had to make a public statement affirming to the public that google tv wasn't even a real thing. Today we will be looking back at the infinite solutions legacy, and its creators.
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