Just a few weeks ago, a majority of Americans did not believe that Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the events of January 6th, even though most Americans said he was responsible. The numbers are continuing to change, and a majority who believe he is responsible now say that they would like to see him prosecuted for what he did that day (and all the days around the insurrection.) So don't let Republicans tell you these hearings don't matter - they are absolutely changing public opinion. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3540993-two-thirds-of-those-who-believe-trump-tried-to-overturn-election-results-back-prosecution-poll/
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You know, one of the big questions I think that everybody has about these January six hearings is are they having any impact on the public? And to answer that question, all we have to do is look at the polls. And right now the polls are in fact showing us that, yes, yes, these hearings are having a tremendous impact on the public. Let me start off. And this is a poll I've talked about a couple times, but there are new things to add to it now. So prior to the January 6th hearings, right? That very first prime time hearing prior to that, a poll came out showing two thirds of the country did not believe that Donald Trump was involved or responsible for what happened on January 6th, shortly after those first two hearings poll came out and it had flipped two thirds of the country now said, yeah, Donald Trump is in fact responsible for what happened that day.
But a majority who believed he was responsible did not think that he should be criminally charged for it. Well, now a new poll shows that of those two thirds who do believe that Donald Trump is responsible for what happened. Now, a majority 66%, 66% of them, excuse me, do say that he should be criminally charged. So we are watching as these opinion, polls continue to shift and they're shifting in a way that of course is very bad for Donald Trump. Cuz again, it went from no he's not responsible to yes, he's responsible, but it's not criminal. What he did to yes, he's responsible and yes, he should be criminally charged. He should be prosecuted for this and folks. This has all happened in the span of what three weeks, three weeks is what we're looking at here. Six hearings so far, that's all, it took six for the public to look at this and say, oh my God, yes, this man is responsible for this. Yes, this man has to be held liable for this.
Now, unfortunately we have seen time and time again in this country for decades now that our elected leaders do not necessarily care what the polling data shows, if they did, we would have, you know, universal healthcare action on climate change debt, free college, student loan, forgiveness, things like that. So the elected leaders in this country are very, very good at ignoring what public opinion polls tell them the public actually wants. So will this have any impact on whether or not me Garland wakes up and says, Hey, you know what? I've got plenty of evidence already. I'm gonna go ahead and start the grand jury to indict Donald Trump. Probably not. But as these hearings go on, we're starting to hear louder and louder voices calling from merit Garland to actually do something about this. And that to me is
Probably even greater than these public opinion, polls that are shifting away from Donald Trump as more and more people call for the DOJ to get off their butts and do something here. Eventually those calls are going to be deafening for that law enforcement agency. Eventually we're gonna get enough information and enough evidence that even they who want to avoid the political fight will not be able to stay out of it. Yes, it's gonna be viewed as political. There's nothing you can do to get around that, but for the good of the country, it has to happen. And don't be afraid to do it either because as the polls are showing us, most of this country has your back on this issue.