Join us for this FREE chapter of my feature movie 'Insight - The Trophy Quest' which features Leif Stavmo from Sweden as he tries to capture the brown trout of his dreams.
The massive Beech tree seeding event of 2019/20 caused an explosion in the backcountry mouse population with the fish dining out on them and some trout doubled their size in a matter of a 4-5 months.
Our quest was for each of a party of 5 over 6 days to land what we call a double figure trout (over 10lbs in weight) The rest of the movie is available as a pay per view movie over 2 hours long on VIMEO. Here's the link to purchase: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/insightthetrophyquest
Tight lines, Mike.
PS If you like more of the "good stuff" check out https://vimeo.com/ondemand/insightchasingthemagic
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