Devil in the Detail: the Functional Interconnectedness that Practitioners Most Often Miss

Devil in the Detail: the Functional Interconnectedness that Practitioners Most Often Miss

We want to make sure you are always putting new learning in your functional medicine toolbox. This will be practical learning you can use with patients and clients right away.

During the event, here are some of the things that will be covered:

- This common patient "annoyance" creates a crucial nutrient deficiency and yet is often left uninvestigated.
- Devil in the downstream drug dynamics: the usual and the not-so-usual suspects. Are you catching them all?
- One of the most important things to ask a patient if they are missing out on?
- Common below-the-neck imbalances that directly promote depression
- The #1 opportunity to get in front of the metabolic disease epidemic, one patient at a time
- The giant blind spot in our kill-the-intruder approach to infectious threats. We're missing the forest for the trees!
- The body part often considered outside of mainstream medical care, yet is often be a gateway to disease. Any guesses?
- The lifestyle choice that even most functional practitioners overlook: are you doing it too?
- Kidney dis-ease begins in the gut? An often overlooked chain of interconnectedness.
- It's great you found it, but what is the Hypercholesterolemia telling you about about what's happening upsteam?
- When supplements are specifically part of the problem: Are you catching these?

Thank you very much for joining in the fun and learning!

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