I’m going to give you actionable steps you can implement immediately to make sure you change your life in just 90 days.
Make sure to stick around until you see phase three of this life-changing sequence because that is the phase that is going to make the most impact in your life.
What is monk mode?
Monk mode is a period of focus, I purposely decide to become a “monk” for a specific period of time to make the best possible amount of progress in my career and in myself.
Basically what this means is that I would dedicate a period Of 90 days to work and develop myself.
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0:00 What Made Me Change
1:46 What is Monk Mode?
2:30 Reset Yourself
3:12 The Beginning
4:12 Make it "Harder"
5:25 Welcome to Phase 3
Video Tags:
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#monkmode #changeyourlife #dreamsandgoals