Craving is the reason for wanting to meditate but you have never found peace so suffering happens.

Craving is the reason for wanting to meditate but you have never found peace so suffering happens.

(Friday, 21 May 2021)
@ If you want to end suffering and achieve Nirvana in this life, you will have to read it to the end.
@ = Realizing of the thoughts can solve life problems and end suffering. (Please bare in mind)
Nothing more to study than this....*** If you are too stupid, you will suffer forever. ***
@ Meditation - Mindfulness training cannot solve life's problems. When we stop meditation, stop practicing mindfulness, we will continue to suffer.a
@ We are happy or we suffer because we give the meaning and value to every thing that have been seen or heard from birth to death.
@ All of these are caused by the flavored ideas or thought processes. These are difficult to realize.
@ If anyone can realize his own thought, every problem in life will be gone. And suffering will end.
Finally you will have oppertounity to attain Nirvana in this life.
@ Everything arises from the flavored ideas or thought processes, giving meaning and value to what is seen or heard from birth to death. (But it seems that we do not think) This requires an open mind to listen with wisdom and consider it very much. Therefore can understand because of the true dharma in Buddhism especially suitable for the wise.
@ The best way to solve every problem is to realize that you are thinking.
(Nothing more to study than this - because there is no story to teach)
(Please bare in mind).
- Do not practice for non-attachment.
- Do not practice for letting go.
@ The true Dharma to end suffering in Buddhism cannot teach each other because there is nothing to teach. The Lord Buddha taught people to attain Nirvana in this life. That means when we die we must not be born again. That means achieving Nirvana in this life.
@ Note, no matter how many times we die and be reborn again. We will surely face suffering. Cessation of rebirth is the end of suffering permanently.
@ Most people interested in Buddhism believe that the heart of Buddhism is the Four Noble Truths. That is just a basic understanding of fictional language, but the true meaning of the Four Noble Truths cannot penetrate into the minds of Buddhists.
@ All human beings on this earth learn everything through thought processes. Therefore, everything is learned through the thinking process, but we cannot realize that we are thinking and thinking from birth to death.
@ Until we realize we are thinking. If anyone can do that, that is, you find the true Dharma in Buddhism which has no fictional language to speak.
@ And you will live without wanting happiness and without suffering. And finally you will have opportunity to achieve Nirvana in this life.
@That means cutting the cycle of death and being reborn permanently.
@ Likewise, while we are reading about the Four Noble Truths, even though we have read it 1 million times, we don't realize we are thinking to read it. It shows that we lack wisdom and may be foolish.
= On the other hand, while we are reading about the Four Noble Truths. And we realized we were thinking about reading this.
@ That is, you have found true dharma in Buddhism. Which is something that is known individually and cannot be told because there is no fictional language.
@ = So if you want to solve life's problems - want to end all suffering. For example - want to quench your anger - want to quench your anxiety and depression - want to quench your jealousy, etc.
@ The best way in the world is to be aware of your thoughts.
(Listen to an example of realizing thoughts from a YouTube video)
@ Until we realize we are thinking. That means we have mindfulness and wisdom to end of all suffering. (Please bare in mind).
@ People who lack intelligence or the fools will not be able to understand this, because they refuse to open their mind to listen and they will have to be stupid and suffer all their lives. Whenever they die, they go to hell.


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