![ESO Zone Sets 🛡️⚔️ [Quick Tip for Acquiring Zone Specific Sets]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-epWDxk4rdY/hqdefault.jpg)
Here's a quick tip on collecting ESO zone sets. It's a little more costly (not gold), but it keeps you from having to grind in a zone to get the set pieces you're after. Maybe you knew, maybe you didn't.
Many players waste away scouring for pieces to complete zone specific sets. As we all know, sometimes the RNG works in your favor - sometimes it doesn't. There is an easier way to get these gear sets though.
Also, this is the first entry into the series of Spy's Shorts - or, rather, Stealth Pants... Spy doesn't wear shorts. Sooo... there's that. 😋
Anyway, enjoy the tip for collecting ESO zone sets.
Question: What's your favorite zone specific set? Let us know in the comments.
#esozonesets #eso #elderscrollsonline #shorts
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Created and Produced by SpyPie Gaming
Good for Nothing Safety by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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