From quitting smoking, eating less salt, controlling your portion sizes, getting enough sleep to shedding excess weight and more, watch till the end to learn about all of them.
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Medical Disclaimer: https://pastebin.com/xLmigD6i
#HeartHealth #TipsForAHealthierHeart #Bestie
Sources: https://pastebin.com/UtixZL45
Intro - 0:00
1. Take a break from technology - 00:50
2. Keep a calm mind and be patient - 01:29
3. Engage in physical activity - 01:52
4. Quit smoking - 02:17
5. Cut down on your fat intake - 02:42
6. Eat less salt - 03:22
7. Limit packaged and processed foods - 03:48
8. Practice Good Dental Hygiene - 04:49
9. Get Proper Amount of Sleep - 05:11
10. Cutback on alcohol - 05:42
11. Don’t sit for too long at one time - 06:01
12. Eat less sugar - 06:36
13. Control your portion size - 07:06
14. Unwind whenever you get the opportunity - 08:07
15. Shed excess weight - 08:27
16. Harmonize your heart health with music - 09:00
1. Take a break from technology: Dependence on technology is inevitable in this day and age. Smartphones, iPads, computers, TVs, and other technological advancements are helping us with professional responsibilities and social commitments. However, they are making us sedentary, increasing the level of stress hormones, and raising blood pressure, thus contributing to heart disease.
2. Keep a calm mind and be patient: To keep a healthy heart, maintaining a calm mind and inculcating patience is one of the best ways to alleviate anxiety and be stress-free. Meditating is an age-old practice to keep the heart healthy. Many studies have shown that people who meditate regularly are less likely to suffer a painful and life-threatening heart attack or stroke.
3. Engage In Physical Activity: A healthy heart needs activity. Adults who engage in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity five times a week reduce their risk of a cardiac event. Research suggests that regular exercise benefits us in a number of ways, including a reduction in body weight, blood pressure and bad cholesterol. It also leads to an increase in good cholesterol and insulin sensitivity.
For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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