Boost Immunity & Energizing - Oregano Essential Oil

Boost Immunity & Energizing - Oregano Essential Oil

Boost Immunity & Energizing - Oregano Essential Oil

When you hear about someone using Oregano, right away you might think that he or she must be a good cook. Oregano Essential Oil has a much broader usage, and is often the first oil mentioned when someone is describing an overall sense of well-being. When you use Oregano Oil in your everyday life, it will give you more energy, improve your immune system, aid in weight loss, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and stimulate circulation. You can use it topically as a skin moisturizer, or internally to fight off colds and flus. It is especially useful when you are stressed out. Instead of reaching for a chemical-laden drug, try some oregano.

It is truly an all-purpose kind of oil, and one that should be in every home medicine chest. The history of Oregano essential oil is shrouded in mystery. Some say it was discovered accidentally by a Spanish farmer who was tending his crops one day. He noticed that the plants he was growing were more resistant to disease, and so he decided to harvest them and give them to his wife to make into a sauce for their dinner. She used the sauce, and it was a great success. Soon after that, the farmer realized he could use the same process to create an essential oil. Others say the oil was discovered when a shepherd found a patch of oregano while grazing his flock near a monastery.

The monks recognized the properties of the herb, and soon the herding boys were bringing their flocks to the monastery for treatment. The abbots in charge of the monastery had a still, and they would distill the oregano into a liquid and use it to treat the sick animals. Soon, the monks began using the oil on the sick humans within the monastery walls. It worked so well, the abbots ordered more stills to be built, and the oil was soon being used throughout the entire region as a folk remedy for everything from sore throats to indigestion to athlete's foot. It was during this time that the monks started to sell the oil, and soon it became a popular commodity in Europe.

Whatever the case, it is now used all over the world as a natural remedy to boost immunity. It has been used to fight off colds, the flu, and other infections for centuries. In fact, the very first known written reference to Oregano was in a 4th century B.C. Greek text. The Romans used it as a perfume and in food flavoring. In the Middle Ages, it was used as an insect repellent, and it was during this time period that monasteries became prolific sources of the oil. However, it was not until the late 1800's that the oil became popular in the United States.

To use Oregano as a energizer, you must first know how to use it properly! First, you must harvest it just like you would any other herb. This means cutting the stems just above the leaves, placing them in a plastic bag, and then putting that bag into another plastic bag filled with something that will keep the moisture out (like dry sand). Then, you must allow the herbs to dry in a warm, dark place for at least 2-weeks. After that time has passed, you should strain the herbs through cheesecloth or other suitable material, and then bottle the oil. It is important to note that the first couple of times you do this, you should use only one part Oregano oil to one part base oil.

Enough said, I got mine at, the oil is fantastic, they offer lots of incentives as well.

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