China became a significant debate point during election/Canada has been infiltrated extensively

China became a significant debate point during election/Canada has been infiltrated extensively

On February 9th, 2021, Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, or CSIS, made a rare public reference to China and Russia for influencing Canadian public policy and the electoral process in various ways to undermine the democratic system.
Seven months later, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a federal election will be held on September 20th. Trudeau, would have served until 2023 however called the election early.
It is widely believed he called the election 2-years early in order to gain a majority government as soon as possible, leveraging the current administration's accomplishments in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.
The leaders of Canada's major political parties held their final English-language election debate 11 days before voting day.

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ChinaBeijingXi Jingping

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