In this video I talk about COVID vaccine side effects. CDC statistics indicate that out of 168 million Americans were fully vaccinated against COVID 19 at the end of August 2021, there have been 6,059 hospitalized patients with COVID breakthroughs which amount to 0.003%. The percentage of these people who have been fully vaccinated and died are 0.0006%.
I report on the recent large published observational study in the New England Journal of Medicine using the COVID vaccine made by Pfizer BioNTech. I talked about the observe side effects to the COVID vaccine as well as the benefits of vaccination. Below are the links as described in the video.
New England Journal Article on Pfizer vaccine safety: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2110475?query=featured_home
LA County hospitalization versus vaccination rates: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7034e5.htm
Ontario, Canada COVID 19 statistics: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data#ontariansVaccinated
Nasal Vaccines: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6553/397.full
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Dr. Keith Moran MD, RCPSC, DABIM, RCS, NBE Biography:
I am a consultant in Internal Medicine with special medical interests in gastroenterology, cardiology, and echocardiography. I am a a full-time practising physician in these areas. I was an undergraduate at the University of Toronto, Trinity College where I received a number of scholarships including one for top student at Trinity College. I attended medical school at the University of Toronto graduating with a gold medal. My internship was completed at McMaster University in Hamilton followed by a residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Western Ontario in London. I then completed a fellowship in General Internal Medicine at the University of Western Ontario. I am an active echocardiographer who has been certified and recertified by the National Board of Echocardiography. I am certified in cardiac sonography and have trained and completely educated a number of cardiac sonographers. I am the medical director of my cardiology laboratory which was established in 2001. My laboratory performs echocardiography and stress echocardiography amongst other tests. I maintain my certification in the American Board of Internal Medicine.