European Parliament Passes Resolution On Afghanistan, Blames Pak For Assisting Taliban In Panjshir

European Parliament Passes Resolution On Afghanistan, Blames Pak For Assisting Taliban In Panjshir

#EuropeanUnion #Pakistan #RepublicTV

Amid the ongoing fight between the resistance and the Taliban in Afghanistan, the European Parliament on Tuesday passed a resolution and blamed Pakistan for their involvement in the situation. The parliament were critical of Pakistan assisting the Taliban in fighting the Ahmad Massoud-led National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF) in the Panjshir Valley.

Having proclaimed the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Taliban is now fighting NRF to take control of the Panjshir Valley. International reports had earlier claimed that Pakistan was actively involved in the fight. The European Parliament have now hit out at the country for supporting the Taliban in the fight.

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European Parliament slams PakistanEuropean Parliament blames PakistanEU blames Pakistan assisting Taliban

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