Powerful signs the CHOSEN ONES are already shifting to the 5D |Am I A CHOSEN ONE?
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Hallo unique and powerful Souls, welcome back to another video. At this point in human spiritual evolution, many things are happening in this world. Everything is shifting and changing so drastically. As we are getting closer and closer to shifting into the 5th dimension, I have decided to create a video about how to know you are moving into the fifth dimension. As you all know, things are changing so fast, People are waking up to their true nature, and are now realizing their true potentials which has been hidden within them. As we evolve spiritually, Mother nature is evolving and ascending so fast to the 5th dimension. A new earth is being born, and many people as still stuck in the matrix. Before we start, I would like to clarify that you might experience all these signs in different moments, or all together at the same time, or you might experience only a few. It doesn’t really matter. On the contrary, you use your soul’s lessons as the entry points to higher consciousness. The fifth dimension is like our reality, but it functions on a higher frequency. It is not about being in a different place physically (not yet), but embodying a new level of frequency.
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