Answering Over 100 of YOUR Frequently Asked Questions

Answering Over 100 of YOUR Frequently Asked Questions

We get lot of questions about what we're doing and how we're doing it as we share our journey of reviving this old Portuguese farm house and land here on YouTube. In this video we attempt to answer more than 100 questions from our subscribers and followers.

Since there were so many questions (and we wanted to elaborate more on the answers we gave here) we've put together a blog post covering all these questions AND MORE! You can check that out on our website :

If you're interested in moving to Portugal, buying and renovating in Portugal, gardening in Portugal, living off grid in a tent in Portugal or anything else relating to our life or the kinds of things we get up to here in Portugal, kick back and enjoy over 60 minutes of Q&A to see if your questions are answered. If not, feel free to drop a comment below or get in touch via Instagram @ecoandbeyond.

The Story So Far
My name’s Guy. My wife Kylie and I bought an abandoned stone farmhouse and almost an acre of land in the autumn of 2020 and have been slowly (but surely) restoring it and bringing it back to its former glory. We're renovating the house (doing most of the work ourselves) and rejuvenating the land. We're currently growing a range of crops and one day plan to raise animals with a goal of building a semi-self-sufficient homestead.

Stay tuned to see what we get up to and follow our progress.

Subscribe to follow our journey.



Here's a list of tools and other products that we use and love:


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