Hi Friends!
I am taking inventory of all my TNs and sharing it on You Tube with you all...This is the PART which includes all the "other makers" of TNs I have.
You can watch PART 1 with Chic Sparrows only here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AqcaGEGh3w
I forgot that I already packed up two A5 covers by Start Bay Leather so they are not in this video! Boo!
Meanwhile, please comment any questions, requests or your own TN struggles and joys. Thank you for watching.
Here is an earlier TN collection video:https://youtu.be/3YoWlOIZWm4
Join the Journaling for Discovery and Delight Facebook Page- A page dedicated to journaling and the 21 prompts in my book of the same name. There are videos with each prompt available for you there! More to come.
All my links:
Thank you for watching my video! If you enjoyed it, please leave a comment, subscribe to my channel and LIKE this video!
Enthusiastically, Dawn AKA The Journal Enthusiast (and occasional Planner Tramp)
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Dawn-Paoletta/...
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show...
Blog: https://enthusiasticallydawn.com/
Instagram: @enthusiasticallydawn
https://www.instagram.com/enthusiasti... AND @thejournalenthusiast https://www.instagram.com/thejournale...
Twitter: @enthusiastdawn https://twitter.com/enthusiastdawn
YouTube: Enthusiastically Dawn
Facebook: Enthusiastically, Dawn
The Official Planner Boot Camp FB Page (only active when PBC is in session!): https://www.facebook.com/groups/12486...
I would love to connect with you, if you have an idea for a collaboration: dawn.paoletta@gmail.com