Webinar on NCSA Call for Categorical Recognition of Severe Autism in the DSM

Webinar on NCSA Call for Categorical Recognition of Severe Autism in the DSM

NCSA has joined the growing chorus of advocates, clinicians and researchers calling for a splitting of the autism spectrum. NCSA has issued a new position statement on the need to revise the DSM to explicitly recognize severe autism as a stand-alone diagnostic category. This webinar addresses the rationale behind this effort, including the urgent need for a robust focus on research, treatment and supports for this rapidly increasing and severely disabled population. Followed by an interactive discussion session with the attendees.

See more info and FAQs: https://www.ncsautism.org/blog//dsmrevision

What is DSM-5 ASD?
What changes are we proposing?
How can new diagnostic categories help people with autism?
Interactive discussion

Jill Escher, President, NCSA
Amy Lutz, Vice President, NCSA
Dr. Lee Wachtel, Board Member


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