ODYSSEE CALLING from the album Quadro Nuevo: ODYSSEE – a journey into the light
Listen digital: https://glmmusic.de/OdysseeCalling
composed by Mulo Francel
played by Quadro Nuevo with
Mulo Francel bass clarinet
Andreas Hinterseher accordion
D.D. Lowka bass
Chris Gall piano
Paulo Morello guitar
Philipp Sterzer flutes
Robert Kainar drums
music recorded by Alex Hubmann
mixed by Chris Gall
filmed by Andreas Hinterseher & Mike Meyer
edited by Andreas Hinterseher
„Quadro Nuevo: ODYSSEE - a journey into the light“ is released on GLM music in Decemer 2021.
„Quadro Nuevo: ODYSSEE - a journey into the light“ is available on CD, Vinyl and digital: https://glmmusic.de/OdysseeYT
visit us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuadroNuevo
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