The first snowfall of winter in Samarkand || Samarkand State Medical Institute
Top Medical University in Uzbekistan
𝗠𝗕𝗕𝗦 𝗶𝗻 𝐔𝐳𝐛𝐞𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧 🇺🇿
Samarkand State Medical Institute uz (Established 1930)
(Government University)
▪ Speedy Process
▪ The oldest institution in Central Asia
▪ English medium
▪ Internationally Qualified Professors
▪ Boys / Girls Separate Hostels
▪ Halal Pakistani Food
▪ 24/7 assistance
▪ Nearest to Pakistan
▪ No racism
▪ Regular flights with low fare
▪ The safest city of the world (Samarkand)
▪ Hundreds of Pakistani Students Already Studying
▪ The MD (MBBS) Degree from UZBEKISTAN is accepted Worldwide.
▪ No IELTS & Bank Statement Required
▪ The Country is Suitable for Students Who are on a Low Budget.
▪ Academic Mobility Programs with European Universities.
▪ Muslim Country
▪ Accredited University
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🔻 Contact Us:
☎Contact: +924236313001 | +924236313002
▪ Phone No: +923218399991 | +923214455457
▪ Email: arsalenterprise@gmail.com
🚩Lahore Office Address: 38-A Davis Road, Lahore, Pakistan
🚩Uzbekistan Office Address: Ground Floor, Amir Taimor Street No 18, Samarkand
#ZabeehUllahBalaggan #SamarkandStateMedicalUniversity #BestCountryForMBBS #AdmissionOpen #MBBSinRussia #MBBSinChina #advanture #Snowfall #Snow #samarkandsnow