New ideas plant propagation Calathea flowers, purifying air very well, preventing allergies

New ideas plant propagation Calathea flowers, purifying air very well, preventing allergies

New ideas for breeding Calathea flowers without soil, unexpected results

Calathea tree is not only beautiful, its large round leaves also have a very good effect of purifying the air, preventing allergies, making your space always fresh and fresh.

In addition, the vivid beauty of the tree also gives you endless inspiration, loves nature and life more, and effectively relieves your mind.

Calathea tree is native to South America, With unique beauty and moderate size, Calathea tree is often grown as an ornamental in home space, office environment or outdoor garden decoration.

From a distance, the Calathea tree looks almost like a galangal tree. This plant is herbaceous, perennial. Calathea plant height ranges from 25 to 70cm. The rhizome of the plant is located below the ground like the galangal varieties.

Calathea has slender but extremely sturdy petioles. The leaves are often stratified to form a very beautiful canopy shape. Leaves are oval, slightly rounded, quite large and not serrated.

Calathea is a small, herbaceous shrub. The rhizome is located underground, so if you look at it at a glance, you will think that this plant has no stem. Calathea tree is not too tall, the height is only from 35 - 70cm.

Stem manure is quite hard and strong, green all year round and this is also where the leaves grow. The leaves are oval in shape, rounded at the base and pointed at the tip. The edges of the leaves are whole, on the leaves there are many beautiful patterns.

How to take care of the tree:

+ How to care for Calathea Plants is very simple, water the plant once every 2 days. For beautiful leaves and healthy stems, place the plant in a place with lots of natural light. Grows well in moist soil, or in water so can be grown in water as an aquatic plant.

+ When planting plants in the ground, pay attention after watering, check to see if there is excess water in the pot or not. Too much water will cause waterlogging and root rot. It is best before planting to spread a layer of gravel or rocks on the bottom of the pot to absorb the excess or else after watering, turn the pot upside down to drain all the excess water.

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