Conservative backbencher Charles Walker appeared visibly outraged over the chaos in the House of Commons on Wednesday evening, following speculation the chief whip has resigned and allegations of 'bullying' during the vote on a possible fracking ban.
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Speaking to reporters on BBC News, the Tory MP said: 'To all those people that put Liz Truss in number 10, I hope it was worth it to sit round the cabinet table'. He went on to say, 'the damage they have done to our party is extraordinary', admitting he was 'livid' and 'furious'.
Labour MP says Tories were ‘bullied and manhandled’ during vote on fracking ban – live ► https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/oct/19/liz-truss-pmqs-jeremy-hunt-inflation-pensions-triple-lock-politics-live
Crunch Commons vote on fracking descends into farce ► https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/oct/19/crunch-commons-vote-on-fracking-descends-into-farce
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