Compilation of some of the BEST Sasquatch videos (with Analysis)

Compilation of some of the BEST Sasquatch videos (with Analysis)

Just some of what I feel are some of the best videos of all time. Totally subjective list.

Sasquatch Top 12 Credits:
The Infographics Show Bigfoot video: Used audio from
GreenWave2010(Mk Davis) Patterson Video:
Bob Gymlan Port Renfrew video:
Bill Munn’s Channel
Thinkerthunker: Sasquatch throwing tree
Bigfoot Tony OK Running Bigfoot
Russian Bigfoot Chasing Car
Yahoo Entertainment with Jane Goodall
Friday Night with Johnathan Ross and David Attenborough

Christopher Noël:

Squamish, B.C. Footage, M. Lamont:

“Adam K Made me Watch This”Sasquatch Playlist Links .

My YouTube channel link: go to
ALL PLAYLISTS section to find my other stuff I’m interested in. (You can’t imagine what’s going on inside this noggin) I make playlists as well as make videos, enjoy.

Best Sasquatch Videos #1: stuff I’ve curated over the years because both Google and YouTube DO NOT want you to
Easily find this information I’ve been curating for YEARS now. The censoring I learned long ago, so I just started making playlists, so when someone said PROVE IT, I had ALL the answers (or most)

Best Sasquatch Audio #2: not only is sasquatch real and can be proven through MULTIPLE lines of evidence, their howls, yells and vocalizations have been captured on film, audio, etc for 40 years!!

Best Researchers who are on the right track #3: lectures at conferences, speeches, Interviews.

Best videos showing paranormal abilities. #4 First settler case of glowing red eyes? Fannin County 1840. It’s been caught on video. Phosphorescence? Lightning Bugs? Glow worms? It’s not actually that outlandish. Open your mind!! (The science is sound and fits more logically that “it’s an APE!”

Playlist #5 : Animal sounds that skeptics say are Sasquatch. See Playlist #2 for Best Sasquatch audio

Playlist #6: Smart Sasquatch Biologist Lectures: DNA presentations; Dr Jeff Meldrum, Dr John Bindernagel, Dr Melba Ketchum. Christopher Murphy

Playlist 7: What I think (know) is the BEST video/audio Evidence of ALL Time (video, audio, logical analysis videos, science concepts, etc. The best of the best!!

Playlist #8: Sasquatch Researchers who are on the right track. They’ve already been proven real by MULTIPLE scientific disciplines. Move on from that. What else to their behaviors say? Who is gifting? Who is having repeated contact? What is working? What isn’t working? (Trailcams, Bringing weapons..) Habituation? Dr Matt Johnson? Ron Morehead? SasquatchOntario? ColoradoBigfoot? BigfootTony? Chris Noël? The people that ADD to the topic, not take away. The WISE ones

Playlist #9: 9. Sasquatch Bigfoot Patterson/Gimlin Stabilized and Discussion videos (it’s real. It’s been proven. There’s no other side to the issue scientifically.) Don’t care about Bob Heronimus or a supposed massacre. Provide evidence. Patterson Film is beyond REAL, so these are bunch of analysis vids, biologist interviews, etc etc.

Playlist 10: 10. Bigfoot/Sasquatch Inhuman Abilities. Tree throwing, Rock Throwing. Running. We KNOW they have different bodies than humans, this is some more of that proof.

Playlist 11: Sasquatch Eyeshine/ Eyeglow. More videos in Paranormal section of playlists #4:
Missing 411/ David Paulides!

Playlist 13:
Best of Bigfoot Case Files
Eyewitness accounts, historical accounts. This channel is associated with Christopher L Murphy and

The Hovey Trailcam Back Photo

Bigfoot: The Hovey Photo February 2012....

Best online website with every piece of
Evidence, every research paper, every essay, Every trackway: the website you would send to some who is a PhD and WANTS ANSWERS!!

BigfootSasquatchInfographics show

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