The opinion of others can destroy one's self-esteem. We need to found our life on Christ's values, regardless of the response that generates in those around us. We may be unpopular, but we are truly ourselves, and that is worth carrying this Cross for.
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B Y C H E Q U E (U S A only) - Cheques should be written to 'American Friends of the Celtic Saints' and sent to: 3736 W County Rd 4, Berthoud, CO 80513. All cheque donors will receive a tax-receipt for their donation.
I C O N S, S P I R I T U A L B O O K L E T S and P R A Y E R R O P E S made at the Monastery are available through our online store: https://shop.mullmonastery.com
Remember to S U B S C R I B E and S H A R E !
The video 'I SUFFER FROM ANXIETY & LOW SELF-ESTEEM. All I want is to love and be loved.' was recorded by Fr Seraphim (Aldea) at Mull Monastery (The Orthodox Monastery of All Celtic Saints), on the Isle of Mull.