Best 100% Cotton T-Shirt in the Apparel Industry??? (AS Colour Product Line Unboxing)
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T-Shirt Companies
►► Circle Clothing: http://circle.tshirtsidehustle.com
►► Jiffy Shirt: http://jiffy.tshirtsidehustle.com
►► Heat Transfer Warehouse Blanks: http://htwblanks.tshirtsidehustle.com
Recommended Presses
The Presses Below are presses that I recommend and back. I have selected these presses based on cost, features, and service. You should select the press that fits in your budget there is a second list below of top industry presses and you could always visit the website to get my full review on the individual products and/or product lines.
Stan’s Top 15x15 Starter Presses Under $500
►► HPN Craft Pro 15x15: http://cli.re/LxpBDE
►► HTW Wala Press 15x15: https://cli.re/DMQKe3
►► HPN Black Series 15x15: https://cli.re/RAomvz
►► Amazon Tusy v2.0 15x15: https://amzn.to/398kPTG
Stan's Top 15x15 Heat Presses under $1,000
►► HPN Signature Series Pro 15x15: https://cli.re/7Xq4Zp
►► Joto Heat Press 15x15: https://cli.re/x4xqja
►► HPN Signature Series 15x15: https://cli.re/gjQZbM
Stan’s Top 16x20Presses Under $1000
►► HPN Signature Series Pro 16x20: https://cli.re/K8dDEb
►► Joto 16x20: https://cli.re/Mbwazw
►► HPN Signature Series 16x20: https://cli.re/6DZwVj
►► WalaPress 16x20: https://cli.re/XdDRQ9
Stan’s Top Hat Presses
►► Stahl’s Fusion IQ 360 Hat Press: https://cli.re/xreVDx
►► HPN Signature Series Pro Hat Press: https://cli.re/wZ4prp
►► Joto Hat Press: https://cli.re/ppRNr7
►► HPN Signature Series Hat Press: https://cli.re/GDXd9Q
Stan’s Amazon Heat Press List:
►►Amazons Best Heat Press 15x15: https://amzn.to/398kPTG
►►Amazons Cheapest Heat Press 15x15: https://amzn.to/2T4HUkQ
►►Amazons Best Hat Press: https://amzn.to/3apTM5G
►►Amazons Cheapest Hat Press: https://amzn.to/3np733Z
Stan's Top Heat Presses $1000+
►► Stahls' Hotronix Fusion IQ 16x20: https://cli.re/Xdv41X
►► Stahls' Hotronix Hover 16x20: https://shrsl.com/2puew
►► Geo-Knight DK20A 16 x 20: https://cli.re/qA5eY8
Stan’s Favorite Transfer Companies
►► Supacolor Full Color Transfers: http://supacolor.tshirtsidehustle.com
►► Topp Transfers Plastisol Transfers: http://topp.tshirtsidehustle.com
Vinyl Cutters
►► Cameo 4 - Plus - Pro - Bundles: http://cameo.tshirtsidehustle.com
Heat Transfer Vinyl Companies
►► Siser: http://siser.tshirtsidehustle.com
►► EconoTransfer: http://econo.tshirtsidehustle.com
►► B-Flex: http://bflex.tshirtsidehustle.com
►► ThermoFlex: http://thermo.tshirtsidehustle.com
Sublimation Lists
►► Sawgrass 1000: https://cli.re/RA3aX4
►► Sawgrass 500: https://cli.re/qA51xR
EcoTank Conversion
►► Epson EcoTank ET-15000: https://amzn.to/3hTgrvt
►► Epson EcoTank: https://amzn.to/398Rcl7
►► Cosmo Ink Set: https://cli.re/8Pq5PP
►► Sublimation Paper: https://cli.re/Jpjybp
Shipping Supplies
►► Rollo Thermal Printer: https://amzn.to/399Iymd
►► Rollo Labels: https://amzn.to/3noFRm6
►► Rollo Label Holder: https://amzn.to/3hZCAZd
►► T-Shirt Mailers 10x13: https://amzn.to/35kOSX0
►► Clear Poly Bags 9x12 & 11x14: https://amzn.to/3bpN3fg
►► T-Shirt Folder: https://amzn.to/35kYn8w
►► Temp Gun: https://amzn.to/399iiZj
►► TeeSquare It & Logo It Combo: https://amzn.to/2MskBep
►► Tee Square It: https://cli.re/rNv8QZ | https://amzn.to/2Doi0Pt
►► Upper Platen Sleeve/Protector: https://cli.re/GXrK9D
►► Teflon Sheet Pack: https://amzn.to/2sOp7KQ
►► Heat Press Pillow Pack: https://amzn.to/2G5Ypq2
►► Siser Heat Press Pillow 16x20: https://amzn.to/2t1zeMH
►► Heat Press Pillow 15x15: https://amzn.to/2GhHGzb
►► Vinyl Remover: https://cli.re/gExN38
►► Siser Color Guide: https://cli.re/gnA4Q1
Must Read Books
►► My Books: https://cli.re/kkxmYo
►► Steal Like An Artist: https://amzn.to/2sYq8QT
My Graphic Designer
Graphic Warehouse
►► Instagram: @gwfla
►► Website: http://gwfla.tshirtsidehustle.com