Gina Lake channeling Jesus from her book Jesus Speaking: On Awakening to Love with a message about being here now or being in the moment.
Find out more about this book and the others in the Jesus Speaking series at: https://radicalhappiness.com/audio-video/jesus-channelings
This channeled message was also shared in ongoing online gatherings where Christ Consciousness Transmissions (CCTs) are offered by Gina and her husband, Nirmala. These transmissions of higher consciousness will assist you in your spiritual awakening to your true nature as Awareness, Oneness, and Love. Find out how to attend the first time for FREE here: https://www.radicalhappiness.com/transmissions
📖 Download a FREE channeled ebook from Jesus here:
Explore over 25 spiritual books by Gina Lake available on Amazon: https://author.to/GinaLake
Listen to a sample from Gina Lake’s Awakening Now online course for spiritual awakening here: https://youtu.be/fKO-vIIohS0
Jesus introduces himself and the online Christ Consciousness Transmissions Gina and her husband offer: https://youtu.be/f5oMB8O4OiU
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Gina’s Top Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2514726707D03DCE
Channeled Guided Meditations by Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0S4jQ6otWz9yynLdU608dbapdEId2DQt
Excerpts from What Jesus Wants You to Know Today, Channeled by Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0S4jQ6otWz8j5YeG40e1ccdKq5R5l7Bi
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Christ Consciousness refers to enlightenment or the realization of our oneness with all and our inherent divinity as exemplified by Jesus Christ. Jesus lived what he taught, and he taught from a higher consciousness, one free of ego. Jesus was an example of what we all can be, and he said as much. Many are awakening today to their true nature as Oneness, and enlightenment is the culmination of that process of spiritual awakening.
Gina Lake has been channeling Jesus since 2012, and recently he has asked her and her husband, Nirmala, to make themselves available as instruments of his transmission. They are simply acting as antennas for this force of higher consciousness. CCTs are an opportunity to experience a direct transmission of love and healing, and to accelerate your spiritual growth. These transmissions will assist you in embodying Christ Consciousness and awakening to your higher self. They support spiritual awakening and clear and heal longstanding issues by working with the unconscious mind when doing so is in service to spiritual awakening.
Christ Consciousness Transmissions take place online every Saturday at 5:00 pm Pacific time and Sunday at 11:00 am Pacific time. Sessions are about an hour long and include a channeled message from Jesus followed by a 17-minute energetic transmission to support your spiritual awakening. Everyone is welcome to attend their first online gathering for FREE (by donation after that).
More info about Christ Consciousness Transmissions (CCTs):
GINA LAKE is a nondual spiritual teacher and author of over twenty spiritual books. Her writing and teaching focuses on helping people to be here now, live a happy and fulfilled life, and realize their higher self. Her teachings are most similar to Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Adyashanti, A Course in Miracles (ACIM), and other nondual spiritual teachers and spiritual teachings. Gina has been channeling since 1989 and awakened to her true nature, or higher self, in 1999. In 2012, she began channeling Jesus. These spiritual books, guided meditations, channeled guidance and messages from Jesus are based on universal truth, not on any religion.
A NOTE FROM GINA LAKE: I receive the channeled messages, guided meditations, and spiritual books from Jesus in the same way that Helen Schucman received A Course in Miracles (ACIM), which was also channeled by Jesus. This method of receiving information is called conscious channeling. When I’m channeling Jesus, it’s as if Jesus is sitting in a chair next to me speaking the words, except that this channeled teaching is heard mentally. Many other channelers and spiritual teachers have also received information in a similar way, including Esther Hicks (Abraham), Paul Selig, Pamela Aaralyn, Jane Roberts (Seth), Darryl Anka (Bashar), St. Teresa of Avila, St. Hildegard of Bingen, and Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God).
Here is another excerpt from one of Gina’s recent channeled books by Jesus: https://youtu.be/7mtBRSAa3cg