Do Indicators Lag? | Do indicators work in forex trading?
Article - https://forexmonopoly.com/blog/do-indicators-lag-the-truth/
00:00 - Do Indicators work in Forex?
00:38 - What are Technical Indicators?
01:05 - Do Indicators Lag?
01:30 - Types of Indicators
01:37 - What are Leading Indicators?
01:47 - What are Lagging Indicators?
02:16 - How Lagging Indicators Work?
02:47 - How Leading Indicators Work?
03:57 - Do indicators work in forex trading
06:29 - My Advice to you
Hello and welcome to forex monopoly, my name is Daksh, and in this video, I am going to bust some myths about indicators and also going to share the perfect way to use indicators, so make sure you watch this video till the end.
Forex Monopoly - https://forexmonopoly.com
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