Hong Kong Rioters/ Terrorists burnt the retail shop without any consideration on others' safety?

Hong Kong Rioters/ Terrorists burnt the retail shop without any consideration on others' safety?

2 days before, stupid rioters/ terrorists didn't know the power of fire. They continue to burn everywhere we lived.
One of the case is out of control in just few minutes. You know what they said? They are so nervous and say oh my god~ we play (create) a big trouble!! Someone may die~ and then they ran away finally!!!
You know that all the above is apartments? The rioters/ terrorists are crazy recently, they don't even thinking of the others' safety before their move.
They don't have freedom? It's so ridiculous!! They have freedom to block the roads/ metro train (avoid local people go to work as they announced strike in Hong Kong.we have to obey their request!), beat innocent local people, threw the bricks against local people and police, firebomb to private car and police, etc. What the hell in Hong Kong? No rules no law!! They like a god now!!


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