Antibody-dependent enhancement | Compromised Immune System and Covid-19 Vaccines | Q&A

Antibody-dependent enhancement | Compromised Immune System and  Covid-19 Vaccines | Q&A

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Fresh, Natural and Live: Raw Uncut Conversations with Health
Professionals Fresh, Natural and Live is a weekly show that will air via live
streaming on the Montgomery Heart and Wellness YouTube channel show
beyond the script. The show format will consist of a general discussion of a
topic of the week, as well as a question-and-answer section designed to
address questions submitted by the viewers. This group is uniquely
qualified to discuss health issues and offer insights into how individuals can
achieve natural health while reducing their dependency on prescription
drugs, medical procedures, or surgeries.

You can submit any questions that you have about health to the following email address: Your questions will be submitted to the panel for discussion.

Show Format:
Time: Monday Evening at 7 pm CST
Show Date: June 21, 2021
Show Title: Autopsy of a COVID-Vaccinated Patient
Show Details: Dr. Montgomery will provide a case presentation of a published postmortem of a vaccinated COVID 19 patient. He will lead the panel in a discussion of the clinical facts of the case and provide his professional insights to alternative approaches to management.
Moderator: Baxter Montgomery, MD, FACC
Co-Panelists: Celeste Palmer, MD; Pam Atkins, MD; Esosa Edosomwan, MS, CNS, LDN; Floyd Atkins, DPM


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