Historic moment today in Cluj!
Connecting Europe Express, the symbol train of the European Year of Railways arrived today at 18.23 in Cluj.
He left Lisbon on September 2 and will arrive in Paris on October 7.
It will cover a total of 20,000 km, on a symbolic route that connects the U.E. countries.
The garrison left for Hungary on the route Cluj - Oradea - A rad - Curtici and had the following wagons:
Sleeping car 72-90 017-7 Nightjet of the Austrian company ÖBB
Panoramic wagon 19-90 109-3 of the Swiss company SBB CFF FFS
Wagon restaurant 88-90 110-9 to the Italian company FS- Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
Conference car 10-92 011 of the French company SNCF
Wagon class 84-91 102-2 of the German company DB-Deutsche Bahn
Wagon 94-91 102-3 of the Hungarian company MÁV.
The train had GM 90 53 0640 943-2 and 92 53 0640 990-3.