Departure from Cluj - Connecting Europe Express, the symbol train of the European Year of Railways

Departure from Cluj - Connecting Europe Express, the symbol train of the European Year of Railways

Historic moment today in Cluj!
Connecting Europe Express, the symbol train of the European Year of Railways arrived today at 18.23 in Cluj.
He left Lisbon on September 2 and will arrive in Paris on October 7.
It will cover a total of 20,000 km, on a symbolic route that connects the U.E. countries.
The garrison left for Hungary on the route Cluj - Oradea - A rad - Curtici and had the following wagons:
Sleeping car 72-90 017-7 Nightjet of the Austrian company ÖBB
Panoramic wagon 19-90 109-3 of the Swiss company SBB CFF FFS
Wagon restaurant 88-90 110-9 to the Italian company FS- Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
Conference car 10-92 011 of the French company SNCF
Wagon class 84-91 102-2 of the German company DB-Deutsche Bahn
Wagon 94-91 102-3 of the Hungarian company MÁV.
The train had GM 90 53 0640 943-2 and 92 53 0640 990-3.


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