As organisations prepare to move into a new era disrupted by COVID-19, the demands placed on people and technology will be immense. Together, they will grapple with a new environment: a sustained low-touch / contact-free economy with shifts in consumer behaviour.
The pandemic has shown that companies that do not sufficiently leverage technology will be impeded in their recovery. It is imperative for them to get truly digital. But the approach to get digital should be human-centred and support the agility of the organisation in the long term. The world of Agile HR brings the best of tech and human agility together and helps you drive the necessary change as we enter the post-COVID world.
How can you build digital capabilities with Agile HR?
Join DecodeHR Founder and Managing Director, Evelyn Chow, and Gidion Peters, Co-Founder of Organize Agile, in this live webinar on 18th June as they share their insights on how companies can accelerate their digital transformation by adopting an Agile HR approach.
- Grasp the implication of these shifts, some of which may be irreversible.
- Hear about how HR technology companies have started adapting their products to enable organisations to respond to the changing needs of their workforce.
- Understand how utilising an Agile HR approach can accelerate the delivery of valuable HR technology and nurture the right DNA for digital transformation.
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