Once again, this is NOT confirmed, but is what we are hearing, and seeing in leaks.
This is also definitely not legal advice. Instead it's just us explaining what we have heard, and the implications if what were heard is true. If you are seeking legal advice then please get in contact with us. We can be found at stacehammond.co.nz
So the Minister is supposed to make an announcement this week, and we've been told by sources it will be tomorrow. We haven't heard all of the details so we will need to cover that in another visa when it is announced.
Now, at first it looks great, a chance at residence for so many people. However, we wanted to get the word out so that people can think about what 100,000 new applicants will mean to immigration wait times. This needs to be more than just a chance at residence, but a way for them to be granted more quickly.
Also now seeing media coverage on this, with others raising teh 100k figure https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/452559/immigration-minister-set-to-expedite-residence-visa-applications
We will come back with another video once the official announcement has been made. Until then, kia kaha and stay safe.
Arran Hunt