Why Islam Bans Interest (Justifications Debunked)

Why Islam Bans Interest (Justifications Debunked)

Time Preference Theory? Yeah - that doesn't work. Tarek El-Diwany breaks down all the justifications for interest. This is a clip from a full interview found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pke8P...

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"O my people, give full measure and full weight with equity, and defraud not people of their things and commit not iniquity in the earth, causing disorder." - Holy Quran, 11:86 https://www.alislam.org/quran/app/11:86

Tarek El-Diwany

Tarek El-Diwany graduated in Accounting and Finance from the University of Lancaster in 1985. In 1989 he was invited to establish a bond derivatives dealing desk at Fulton Prebonn in London where he was responsible for pricing, dealing and marketing of bond derivatives for European markets. Tarek established the firm's Islamic finance department and marketing of bond derivatives for European markets. Tarek established the firm's Islamic finance department in 1995, advising on the structuring of Islamic financing for clients in the Middle East, Europe and South-east Asia.

Since 1998 he has worked as a consultant and researcher in the field of Islamic finance for a variety of professional and private clients across the world. He is now the Senior Director of Kreatoc Zest, an Islamic Finance and investment consultancy based in London. Tarek is the founder of www.islamic-finance.com, a database of researchers, institutions, books and events dedicated to the field, and presenter to the film documentary "Why Are We All in Debt?" In 2010, he completed a reference textbook with First Ethical Charitable Trust entitled "Islamic Banking and Finance: What It Is and What It Could Be" as contributing editor.


Zakat is the Opposite of Interest - Ahmad Danyal Arif: https://rationalreligion.co.uk/why-za...

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