VANGUARD: The 7 Most BROKEN Things You Need To Try Before They're NERFED...

VANGUARD: The 7 Most BROKEN Things You Need To Try Before They're NERFED...

Call of Duty Vanguard’s launch has introduced a LOT of ways to play the game. But with Vanguard’s heavy focus on gun customization and the Gunsmith, there’s bound to be loads of things that are hidden gems that you may not normally consider… And in some cases, they’re literally broken in Vanguard’s gun customization. Today we’re going to run down the 7 most broken and / or overpowered items in Call of Duty Vanguard’s armory. From proficiencies that granted additional damage bonuses to combinations that break the stat sheets, there’s plenty to use and give you the best potential to rank up your weapons even faster when equipped. That said, feel free to let us know if you have anything you think would make the list of Vanguard’s most broken items or if when you think these will be nerfed. There’s definitely a lot of conversation to be had about all broken Vanguard things involved, so feel free to comment! And as always, to stay up to date with all things Vanguard, make sure you’re here on the channel for the coming content in regards to Vanguard class set ups, camo guides, and other news and intel. But for now, this is VANGUARD: The 7 Most BROKEN Things You Need To Try Before They're NERFED...

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